For about the first week after whelping most of the European Doberman moms use all their energy cleaning the puppies, making milk, and making sure they're nursing. After that they have some excess energy that they love to burn off getting some exercise. ![]() She's only recently liked the frisbee, it may be because we've been playing a lot more one on one which gives her more time with each toy. The pressure of the others European Dobermans chasing and competing for the same dogs is gone. ![]() There's a big difference in the moms when they get some play each day compared to when they're not able to (if its storming or snowing). It really helps them be better moms to their pups, and stay happier.
We had an old friend come visit from Utah. He made the drive all the way from Utah to see us (as well as pick up a Brittany puppy in Illinois and a dog trailer in Kansas).
They’re true bird dogs and working in tandem with our European Dobermans, all squirrels and birds where quickly expelled from the property (but rest assured they will be back). As well as being our old friend and breeding mentor, he’s a world class photographer. Nichole got a new camera and he was giving her a crash course at Cochran mill where we got excellent photos of the dogs. It was a shot trip, but we packed a lot into it. Traveled down to Gainesville Florida for an artificial insemination! We had been talking to the European Doberman Gemma’s mom for several months planning for her breeding. After doing progesterone testing on Gemma the date was set for the AI and it was at the University of Florida Veterinary School! Gainesville with stops is about 6 hours from us, so Colter and I were pulling out of the driveway at 5am.
After a few stops we get to the Veterinary teaching clinic and it is huge! The specialist building alone was three stories tall, biggest vet by far Colter’s ever seen, and he’s been to Auburn, and Blue pearl specialists here in Georgia. It was so great to meet Gemma and her parents after months of talking! It’s being able to work together with such kind and warm people that make breeding Dobermans so worth it. Very very seldom to we meet another Doberman breeder or Doberman owner that are a pleasure to work or talk with. Being a teaching hospital they did a very thorough checkup of Colter, even checked his prostate. The veterinary technician was kind of humorless. He said that Colter had a good amount of prostate fluid spray out when they checked it. I told him that I bet the fluid came from his prostate and he didn’t really respond. We also met a few interesting cases! Met a Boston terrier breeder with two full buggies of Boston puppies! They were there for hearing and eye checks, as well as other health testing before going home.
Soon after Colter was brought out, we said our goodbyes and started the journey back home! If you’re interested in using the South’s top European Doberman Stud, please visit our Stud Page for more information and pricing, or reach out to us!
Very pleased to say that our plans a few years in the making have finally come to fruition. I've left my job managing a 300+ occupancy dog boarding facility to breed dobermans full time, and do light boarding from home! We're so excited to be able to dedicate full time to the breed we love and that has given us so much joy. Thank you so much to all of our past and future clients that make this dream possible. We're so excited for the future and appreciate all the support!
This video is an idea I had been wanting to try out, unfortunately it didn't turn out exactly as I had hoped, but still got some usable footage to show what a fun time our European Doberman Lily had running through the woods like a mad woman! This is an old video from a few years ago, and it never got very many views, but it's one of my all time favorites that we've done. It's a simpler video, but it really brings out the special memories that we've had with our European Dobermans over the years. Lots of campfires with them checking in, patrolling around the fence, laying next to us, and putting their heads in our laps.
We recently had River (pictured above) come stay with us for a few days to be bred with our European Doberman Stud Colter. River was very good and loved frolicking through the flowers and playing fetch. River had a few progesterone tests done so that she was boarded over the time we knew that she was ready. Colter got the job done 3 times during her stay with us. We even got some photos taken of her in the flowers! Some more photos of River One of the best things about doing a board and stud doberman is that we can adjust for inclement weather. With is being so hot we limit Colter's time with the bitch to morning and evening. If you're interested in our Doberman Stud service please don't hesitate to visit our stud page and reach out!
Lily and Colter cooled off in the creek in our trip to Cochran Mill! Cochran Mill is such a popular spot for us since it's so close, and is so beautiful. Gorgeous trees and trails, and a beautiful waterfall. This time we bushwhacked just a tad and found a great spot in the creek. The park was pretty busy for a weekday morning, but school is out and we saw lots of kids with grandmas. These kids of outings and adventures are one of our favorite parts of owning European Dobermans. Even though the terrain was steep, they handle it with no problems. Their intelligence and athleticism mean they can come with us pretty much anywhere.
European Doberman Fetch Session The video is a short time lapse video of a fetch session with our European Dobermans, and we wanted to give some fun details about their playing dynamics of Dobermans in the video.
-Lily: She usually chooses between trying to get the fetch ball (usually a kong ball or tennis ball), and grabbing a big jolly ball and running around with it in her mouth. We took a trip down to south/central Georgia to take a look at a piece of property and stopped by the Auchumpkee Creek Covered bridge for lunch and photos.