We took our European Doberman Bee to Home Depot to help us pick out a few things, and to make a few new friends! We had taken Bee to Lowes a few weeks earlier to pick up some fence posts for the on going fence building project. She did really well then, but getting her into Home Depot we could see that she needed more noises and different surroundings that we didn't get at Lowes, since we just stayed in the garden section. She was curious at some of the noises and her confidence helped her investigate everything to her satisfaction. After visiting appliances we went down the paint aisle which is where we needed to pick up a few things. Here Bee met a retired man who used to have European Dobermans, and that his European Doberman was very protective of his wife (who was pushing the buggy). He pet Bee and let her lick his face which both he and Bee really enjoyed. We said our goodbyes and moved down the aisle a little more where we met another gentlemen who also said hello to us and Bee. He was very kind and told us about his German Shepherd he had in his car and the training him and his friend did with dogs. We gave him a treat to give Bee, and he was very happy to give it to her, as she was very happy to receive it. He told us how he liked the European Doberman Puppies much better than the American Dobermans. We talked about working aptitude and temperament as Bee munched away. We then went to check out and met a few more men at the checkout who pet Bee while we checked out. Going out in a very public, noisy place is beneficial for many reasons for a puppy. It's excellent socialization as you'll meet mainly men, and a lot of them with beards. Unsocialized puppies have issues especially with men and beards (hats as well). Meeting as many people like this as young as possible set your pup up for success (as well as all the handling we do with them as puppies). It's also a great opportunity to work on walking on leash with lots of distractions around. It's easy to control, train and correct them on leash now while they're puppies, it's much harder when they're full grown Dobermans. Click here to watch the video of Bee in Home Depot or watch below!