We went on a small hike with Jezy, Ana, Vella, & Adonis and had the chance to explore a beautiful water stream with a small waterfall and pond! The location was absolutely breath-taking! There was so much to see, experience, and smell for the pups! Every corner had something new and wonderful to add to the adventure! This was the pups' first time hiking at an incline and without a clear trail path. They did absolutely marvelous! Logan & I spotted them the entire time to ensure their safety, but they were confident on their feet, quickly resolved complications, and were brave with every new experience! Once Logan was in postition at the bottom, the pups loved exploring the running water of this small waterfall (maybe 3-4 feet). Our favorite part of raising adolescent puppies is "seeing" the gears moving in their brains as they take in new environments & experiences for the first time! The pups quickly grew confident and traveled smoothly and effortlessly through the different water pathways (with daddy right behind or below). The whole hike was perfect and the pups loved every moment of it! A video of the adventure will be coming soon!
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This last week, our "A Litter" turned twelve weeks old! I cannot believe how fast the time has sped on by! It truly feels like yesterday that Logan & I were waiting anxiously at Jezebel's ultrasound appointment to see if we were going to become "grandparents"! I will always remember the rush of absolute joy that came when our veterinarian confirmed that Jezebel was pregnant! Immediately after this appointment, we spent the next few weeks getting everything perfectly ready for the arrival of her beautiful puppies! At Jezebel's radiograph & puppy count appointment, I remember being excited and so surprised when we found out that she was going to have such a large litter - eight puppies! It was amazing to see Jezebel's belly grow each and every week and to feel the puppies moving towards the end of her gestation. When Jezebel's due date came around, I remember being so anxious for the puppies to finally be here and when she did go into labor, I was thrilled! Jezebel's whelp went really smoothly! At the end we couldn't believe that our little baby girl, Jezy, was a momma! She quickly became a natural and loved caring for her puppies! She was just as spunky as ever and loved alerting us if anyone came near the house or yard. Her protection instincts have always been spectacular and it was amazing to see them naturally at work while she was a new mom. The pups grew so quickly! Before we knew it, their eyes opened, they began to take their first real steps, started playing with each other and Jezy, and demanded to explore the world outside of the nest. It was so fun to watch these new puppies out exploring our house and discovering their world was a lot bigger than they thought. As the continued to grow, we continued to be humbled. What a sweet and precious gift it was to raise these babies along side Jezy and to watch them continually progress and grow up. It seemed that before we even took a breath that they started eating kibble, were working on potty training, learning commands, and going to their forever homes. It was hard to see each one leave, but it was such a joy to see each pup perfectly paired with their forever companion of an owner! I am so thankful for the opportunity and privilege to raise Doberman puppies. It truly is a passion and dream come true! As our first Doberman as a couple, Jezebel was the first one that we went through the entire process with. We were there when she was born, we raised her ourselves, and we loved her more than we could ever imagine possible. Although we have so much breeding experience, it was a completely different feeling than I was used to when our Jezebel was bred. It wasn't just that our dog was pregnant, but it was that our pride, joy, and baby girl was going to be a momma! It was incredible to imagine that we going to care for and love not just any babies, but her babies. The weight of the responsibility of producing the next generation of Dobermans from dogs we had not only known, but loved and cherished. was immense. But the joy was beautiful! Our "A Litter" didn't start at the ultrasound confirmation, but when Logan & I pledged to each other to follow our hearts and dreams together when we were married. As we planned our "Foundation Bitch" and picked out the breeding that would produce Jezebel, our plans were set in motion. Our "A Litter" came from much love between us and our Jezebel, much patience as we trained her to be our definition of the perfect dog, much laughter as we grew as a couple along side her growing from a puppy to an adult, and much devotion and loyalty as we all became inseparable. Then repeating the process with much more patience and laughter with our Rudolf. In truth, our "A Litter" was a result of so much more than a simple breeding and the puppies produced are much more than just an average Doberman puppy. With our "A Litter" behind us, we are filled with so many emotions! I often wish that we could turn back the clock and help rotate nursing puppies, snuggle them and give them lots of kisses, and watch them take in the world for the first time. Overall, the main emotion felt is gratitude. Gratitude for Jezebel. Gratitude for having the opportunity to raise Jezebel and to be her mom. Gratitude to her for letting me go through this first time mom experience with her. Gratitude to have been responsible for eight little Doberman babies. Gratitude for each puppy's loving owner and family. And gratitude for this beautiful gift of life. We cannot wait to do it all over again and are excited for not only our future, but the future of our precious Dobermans because they are one in the same! We are excited to continue this forever journey with our two "A Litter" additions - Anastasia & Novella Jr.! Twelve Week Update!This last week, we took Anastasia & Novella to the vet for their 12 week check-up! Our vet couldn't believe how beautiful they were, the perfection of their coats, their great temperaments, their stellar obedience and high food drive for treats, and their confidence! Both girls received not only a great review from the vet on their personalities, but an excellent review on their health! We are so proud to have produced and raised such amazing pups! As always, we would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have regarding our dogs, puppies, or breeding practices! Please contract us!
Summer 2016 was full of fun! Had a fantastic litter, added two new members to our family, and discovered a new family day spot!
We are often asked what our motivations are behind breeding Dobermans and love answering this question! 1. To Share the Doberman Bond with OthersOur motivation for breeding Dobermans starts with our relationship with our dogs. The companionship, devotion, intelligence, and drive our dogs have is something that we need to share with others. 2. To Fulfill Our Dream as a CoupleLogan and I met through Dobermans and quickly become friends through a mutual Doberman mentor. After growing individually with the breed, our friendship became something more. As we in love, we planned what our life together would look like with Dobermans right in the center of it all. Logan and I often talked late into the night about what we wanted our breeding program to be, what our goals were, what we wanted in our foundation bitch, how we were to raise our dogs and puppies, what training opportunities to pursue, what dog shows we would attend, and everything in between. With our mentor, we planned the litter that would change our lives. At the same time, we were planning our wedding where our mentor would marry us. Just days after being married, our Jezebel was whelped and we ran right into marriage while also running into Doberman puppyhood, and we couldn't have been happier about it! Dobermans are a part of our lives as individuals, but they are a large part of our marriage and who we are as a couple. We like to say that we truly fell in love with the breed right along side falling in love with each other and we wouldn't have it any other way! 3. To Continue the TraditionOur goal in breeding is to produce dogs who meet the breed's original purpose and follow the breed's tradition. This includes breeding Dobermans with the purpose of personal protection in mind, focusing on sound and balanced temperaments capable of both work and companionship, and breeding to the original breed standard with cropped ears and docked tails. The Doberman breed is changing a lot in many parts of the world. Typically, American bred dogs are bred to be soft. Their temperaments and physicality make them unable to perform the breed's original working functions including personal protection. Many European countries are breeding dogs to have natural ears and long tails, this is slowly changing the whole body style and face of the Doberman. In general, we are seeing a decline in great traditional Dobermans and we want to change that. 4. To Better the BreedWe believe the perfect Doberman has three basic traits: 1) proper confirmation, 2) natural working drive, and 3) a balanced temperament. To better the breed, we have the goal to 1) follow the Doberman breed's confirmation standards and produce Dobermans who confirmation-ally, are as close to perfection as possible, 2) keep the Doberman's working drive alive in its temperament and create puppies who are capable and willing to perform the breed's original working purpose, and 3) strengthen the balance of temperament and socialization of the Doberman to produce the best working and companion dog. We have many goals in breeding and are determined to produce dogs that exceed what the Doberman currently is. We want a bright future for the breed and the only way we can get there is through good breeding today. As always, we would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have regarding our dogs, puppies, or breeding practices! Please contract us!